Hypnotic Resolutions

Stress & Pain

It has been said many times that hypnosis can make better anything that Stress makes worse.  According to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, 80% of healthcare is spent on stress related disorders, and 80% of pain and co-morbid medical conditions are attributed to stress.

There are two types of stress:  external and internal.  External stress is the day to day toils of living, such as time restraints, family issues, etc.  Internal stress comes from negative emotions and poor self talk.  The 5-PATH® Hypnosis & 7th PATH Self-hHypnosis® systems deal with internal stressors such as unresolved or stuffed emotions.  These are emotions you are either consciously or subconsciously aware of and have not properly dealt with, have avoided or stuffed them.  By relieving these internal stressors you will feel more relaxed and at peace, allowing the body to move into alignment for a more positive perspective on external stressors.

Hypnosis and Self-hypnosis is stress management.  Once these internal stressors have been dealt with the body often comes into balance for physical healing and improved self-talk. By decreasing stress in your life you automatically alter many chemical reactions in the body that can cause elevated pain and discomfort.  The 5-PATH® Hypnosis & 7th PATH Self-hypnosis® systematic approach can help to give new perspective to your pain and ways to decrease it, while at the same time gaining insight to your problems.  Hypnosis and relaxation methods can help you manage pain in your life, physically and emotionally.

Call today to get more information on how together we can induce your natural stress reducers and tamp down those stress-released chemicals for less pain and a healthier, happier, and more relaxed you!



(678) 983-8686

Hypnotic Resolutions
1590 Atkinson Rd. Suite 102
Lawrenceville, GA 30043

Member, National Guild of Hypnotists